
Installation from PyPI

PyGEOS is available as a binary distribution (wheel) for Linux, OSX and Windows platforms. Install as follows:

$ pip install pygeos

Installation using conda

PyGEOS is available on the conda-forage channel. Install as follows:

$ conda install pygeos --channel conda-forge

Installation with custom GEOS libary

On Linux:

$ sudo apt install libgeos-dev


$ brew install geos

Make sure geos-config is available from you shell; append PATH if necessary:

$ export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/dir/having/geos-config
$ pip install pygeos --no-binary

We do not have a recipe for Windows platforms. The following steps should enable you to build PyGEOS yourself:

Installation from source

The same as above, but then instead of installing pygeos with pip, you clone the package from Github:

$ git clone

Install Cython, which is required to build Cython extensions:

$ pip install cython

Install it in development mode using pip:

$ pip install -e .[test] --no-build-isolation

Run the unittests:

$ pytest pygeos

Notes on GEOS discovery

If GEOS is installed, normally the geos-config command line utility will be available, and pip install will find GEOS automatically. But if needed, you can specify where PyGEOS should look for the GEOS library before installing it:

On Linux / OSX:

$ export GEOS_INCLUDE_PATH=$CONDA_PREFIX/Library/include

On Windows (assuming you are in a Visual C++ shell):

$ set GEOS_INCLUDE_PATH=%CONDA_PREFIX%\Library\include