
Version 0.12 (2021-12-03)


  • Distribute binary wheels for Apple Silicon architecture (arm64 and universal2) (#427).

  • Removed 32-bit architecture wheels for Python 3.10 (#427).

  • All binary wheels now have GEOS 3.10.1. See for the changes (#422).

  • Linux x86_64 and i686 wheels are now built using the manylinux2014 image instead of manylinux2010 (#445).

Major enhancements

  • Added pygeos.dwithin for GEOS >= 3.10 (#417).

  • Added dwithin predicate to STRtree query and query_bulk methods to find geometries within a search distance for GEOS >= 3.10 (#425).

  • Added GeoJSON input/output capabilities (pygeos.from_geojson, pygeos.to_geojson) for GEOS >= 3.10 (#413).

  • Performance improvement in constructing LineStrings or LinearRings from numpy arrays for GEOS >= 3.10 (#436)

API Changes

  • When constructing a linearring through pygeos.linearrings or a polygon through pygeos.polygons the ring is automatically closed when supplied with 3 coordinates also when the first and last are already equal (#431).

Bug fixes

  • Raise GEOSException in the rare case when predicate evalution in STRtree.query errors. Previously, the exceptions were ignored silently and the geometry was added to the result (as if the predicate returned True) (#432).

  • Hide RuntimeWarning when using total_bounds on empty geometries, empty arrays, or geometries with NaN coordinates (#441).


Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release! People with a “+” by their names contributed a patch for the first time.

  • Brendan Ward

  • Casper van der Wel

  • Joris Van den Bossche

Version 0.11.1 (2021-10-30)


Major enhancements

  • Optionally output to a user-specified array (out keyword argument) when constructing geometries from indices (#380).

  • Added pygeos.empty to create a geometry array pre-filled with None or with empty geometries (#381).

  • Added pygeos.force_2d and pygeos.force_3d to change the dimensionality of the coordinates in a geometry (#396).

  • Added pygeos.testing.assert_geometries_equal (#401).

API Changes

  • The default behaviour of pygeos.set_precision is now to always return valid geometries. Before, the default was preserve_topology=False which caused confusion because it mapped to GEOS_PREC_NO_TOPO (the new ‘pointwise’). At the same time, GEOS < 3.10 implementation was not entirely correct so that some geometries did and some did not preserve topology with this mode. Now, the new mode argument controls the behaviour and the preserve_topology argument is deprecated (#410).

  • When constructing a linearring through pygeos.linearrings or a polygon through pygeos.polygons now a ValueError is raised (instead of a GEOSException) if the ring contains less than 4 coordinates including ring closure (#378).

  • Removed deprecated normalize keyword argument in pygeos.line_locate_point and pygeos.line_interpolate_point (#410).

Bug fixes

  • Return True instead of False for LINEARRING geometries in is_closed (#379).

  • Fixed the WKB serialization of 3D empty points for GEOS >= 3.9.0 (#392).

  • Fixed the WKT serialization of single part 3D empty geometries for GEOS >= 3.9.0 (#402).

  • Fixed the WKT serialization of multipoints with empty points for GEOS >= 3.9.0 (#392).

  • Fixed a segfault when getting coordinates from empty points in GEOS 3.8.0 (#415).


Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release! People with a “+” by their names contributed a patch for the first time.

  • Brendan Ward

  • Casper van der Wel

  • Joris Van den Bossche

Version 0.10.2 (2021-08-23)


Unittests are now included in the pygeos distribution. Run them by 1) installing pytest (or pygeos[test]) and 2) invoking pytest --pyargs pygeos.tests.

We started using a new tool for building binary wheels: cibuildwheel. This resulted into the following improvements in the distributed binary wheels:

  • Windows binary wheels now contain mangled DLLs, which avoids conflicts with other GEOS versions present on the system (a.k.a. ‘DLL hell’) (#365).

  • Windows binary wheels now contain the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Files (msvcp140.dll) for usage on systems without the C++ redistributable (#365).

  • Linux x86_64 and i686 wheels are now built using the manylinux2010 image instead of manylinux1 (#365).

  • Linux aarch64 wheels are now available for Python 3.9 (manylinux2014, #365).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed operations on geometry arrays containing NULL instead of None. These occur for instance by using numpy.empty_like (#371)


Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release! People with a “+” by their names contributed a patch for the first time.

  • Brendan Ward

  • Casper van der Wel

  • Joris Van den Bossche

Version 0.10.1 (2021-07-06)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the box and set_precision functions with numpy 1.21 (#367).

  • Fixed STRtree creation to allow querying the tree in a multi-threaded context (#361).


Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release! People with a “+” by their names contributed a patch for the first time.

  • Brendan Ward

  • Casper van der Wel

  • Joris Van den Bossche

Version 0.10 (2021-05-18)

Major enhancements

  • Addition of nearest and nearest_all functions to STRtree for GEOS >= 3.6 to find the nearest neighbors (#272).

  • Enable bulk construction of geometries with different number of coordinates by optionally taking index arrays in all creation functions (#230, #322, #326, #346).

  • Released the GIL in all geometry creation functions (#310, #326).

  • Added the option to return the geometry index in get_coordinates (#318).

  • Added the get_rings function, similar as get_parts but specifically to extract the rings of Polygon geometries (#342).

  • Updated box ufunc to use internal C function for creating polygon (about 2x faster) and added ccw parameter to create polygon in counterclockwise (default) or clockwise direction (#308).

  • Added to_shapely and improved performance of from_shapely in the case GEOS versions are different (#312).

API Changes

  • STRtree default leaf size is now 10 instead of 5, for somewhat better performance under normal conditions (#286)

  • Deprecated VALID_PREDICATES set from pygeos.strtree package; these can be constructed in downstream libraries using the pygeos.strtree.BinaryPredicate enum. This will be removed in a future release.

  • points, linestrings, linearrings, and polygons now return a GEOSException instead of a ValueError or TypeError for invalid input (#310, #326).

  • Addition of on_invalid parameter to from_wkb and from_wkt to optionally return invalid WKB geometries as None.

  • Removed the (internal) function lib.polygons_without_holes and renamed lib.polygons_with_holes to lib.polygons (#326).

  • polygons will now return an empty polygon for None inputs (#346).

  • Removed compatibility with Python 3.5 (#341).

Added GEOS functions

  • Addition of a contains_properly function (#267)

  • Addition of a polygonize function (#275)

  • Addition of a polygonize_full function (#298)

  • Addition of a segmentize function for GEOS >= 3.10 (#299)

  • Addition of oriented_envelope and minimum_rotated_rectangle functions (#314)

  • Addition of minimum_bounding_circle and minimum_bounding_radius functions for GEOS >= 3.8 (#315)

  • Addition of a shortest_line (“nearest points”) function (#334)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed portability issue for ARM architecture (#293)

  • Fixed segfault in linearrings and box when constructing a geometry with nan coordinates (#310).

  • Fixed segfault in polygons (with holes) when None was provided.

  • Fixed memory leak in polygons when non-linearring input was provided.


Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release! People with a “+” by their names contributed a patch for the first time.

  • Brendan Ward

  • Casper van der Wel

  • Joris Van den Bossche

  • Martin Fleischmann

  • Mike Taves

  • Tanguy Ophoff +

  • James Myatt +

Version 0.9 (2021-01-23)

Major enhancements

  • Addition of prepare function that generates a GEOS prepared geometry which is stored on the Geometry object itself. All binary predicates (except equals) make use of this. Helper functions destroy_prepared and is_prepared are also available. (#92, #252)

  • Use previously prepared geometries within STRtree query and query_bulk functions if available (#246)

  • Official support for Python 3.9 and numpy 1.20 (#278, #279)

  • Drop support for Python 3.5 (#211)

  • Added support for pickling to Geometry objects (#190)

  • The apply function for coordinate transformations and the set_coordinates function now support geometries with z-coordinates (#131)

  • Addition of Cython and internal PyGEOS C API to enable easier development of internal functions (previously all significant internal functions were developed in C). Added a Cython-implemented get_parts function (#51)

API Changes

  • Geometry and counting functions (get_num_coordinates, get_num_geometries, get_num_interior_rings, get_num_points) now return 0 for None input values instead of -1 (#218)

  • intersection_all and symmetric_difference_all now ignore None values instead of returning None if any value is None (#249)

  • union_all now returns None (instead of GEOMETRYCOLLECTION EMPTY) if all input values are None (#249)

  • The default axis of union_all, intersection_all, symmetric_difference_all, and coverage_union_all can now reduce over multiple axes. The default changed from the first axis (0) to all axes (None) (#266)

  • Argument in line_interpolate_point and line_locate_point was renamed from normalize to normalized (#209)

  • Addition of grid_size parameter to specify fixed-precision grid for difference, intersection, symmetric_difference, union, and union_all operations for GEOS >= 3.9 (#276)

Added GEOS functions

  • Release the GIL for is_geometry(), is_missing(), and is_valid_input() (#207)

  • Addition of a is_ccw() function for GEOS >= 3.7 (#201)

  • Addition of a minimum_clearance function for GEOS >= 3.6.0 (#223)

  • Addition of a offset_curve function (#229)

  • Addition of a relate_pattern function (#245)

  • Addition of a clip_by_rect function (#273)

  • Addition of a reverse function for GEOS >= 3.7 (#254)

  • Addition of get_precision to get precision of a geometry and set_precision to set the precision of a geometry (may round and reduce coordinates) (#257)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed internal GEOS error code detection for get_dimensions and get_srid (#218)

  • Limited the length of geometry repr to 80 characters (#189)

  • Fixed error handling in line_locate_point for incorrect geometry types, now actually requiring line and point geometries (#216)

  • Addition of get_parts function to get individual parts of an array of multipart geometries (#197)

  • Ensure that python clean removes all previously Cythonized and compiled files (#239)

  • Handle GEOS beta versions (#262)


Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release! People with a “+” by their names contributed a patch for the first time.

  • Brendan Ward

  • Casper van der Wel

  • Joris Van den Bossche

  • Mike Taves

Version 0.8 (2020-09-06)

Highlights of this release

  • Handle multi geometries in boundary (#188)

  • Handle empty points in to_wkb by conversion to POINT (nan, nan) (#179)

  • Prevent segfault in to_wkt (and repr) with empty points in multipoints (#171)

  • Fixed bug in multilinestrings(), it now accepts linearrings again (#168)

  • Release the GIL to allow for multithreading in functions that do not create geometries (#144) and in the STRtree query_bulk() method (#174)

  • Addition of a frechet_distance() function for GEOS >= 3.7 (#144)

  • Addition of coverage_union() and coverage_union_all() functions for GEOS >= 3.8 (#142)

  • Fixed segfaults when adding empty geometries to the STRtree (#147)

  • Addition of include_z=True keyword in the get_coordinates() function to get 3D coordinates (#178)

  • Addition of a build_area() function for GEOS >= 3.8 (#141)

  • Addition of a normalize() function (#136)

  • Addition of a make_valid() function for GEOS >= 3.8 (#107)

  • Addition of a get_z() function for GEOS >= 3.7 (#175)

  • Addition of a relate() function (#186)

  • The get_coordinate_dimensions() function was renamed to get_coordinate_dimension() for consistency with GEOS (#176)

  • Addition of covers, covered_by, contains_properly predicates to STRtree query and query_bulk (#157)


Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release! People with a “+” by their names contributed a patch for the first time.

  • Brendan Ward

  • Casper van der Wel

  • Joris Van den Bossche

  • Krishna Chaitanya +

  • Martin Fleischmann +

  • Tom Clancy +

Version 0.7 (2020-03-18)

Highlights of this release

  • STRtree improvements for spatial indexing: * Directly include predicate evaluation in STRtree.query() (#87) * Query multiple input geometries (spatial join style) with STRtree.query_bulk (#108)

  • Addition of a total_bounds() function (#107)

  • Geometries are now hashable, and can be compared with == or != (#102)

  • Fixed bug in create_collections() with wrong types (#86)

  • Fixed a reference counting bug in STRtree (#97, #100)

  • Start of a benchmarking suite using ASV (#96)

  • This is the first release that will provide wheels!


Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release! People with a “+” by their names contributed a patch for the first time.

  • Brendan Ward +

  • Casper van der Wel

  • Joris Van den Bossche

  • Mike Taves +

Version 0.6 (2020-01-31)

Highlights of this release:

  • Addition of the STRtree class for spatial indexing (#58)

  • Addition of a bounds function (#69)

  • A new from_shapely function to convert Shapely geometries to pygeos.Geometry (#61)

  • Reintroduction of the shared_paths function (#77)


  • Casper van der Wel

  • Joris Van den Bossche

  • mattijn +

Version 0.5 (2019-10-25)

Highlights of this release:

  • Moved to the pygeos GitHub organization.

  • Addition of functionality to get and transform all coordinates (eg for reprojections or affine transformations) [#44]

  • Ufuncs for converting to and from the WKT and WKB formats [#45]

  • equals_exact has been added [PR #57]

Version 0.4 (2019-09-16)

This is a major release of PyGEOS and the first one with actual release notes. Most important features of this release are:

  • buffer and haussdorff_distance were completed [#15]

  • voronoi_polygons and delaunay_triangles have been added [#17]

  • The PyGEOS documentation is now mostly complete and available on .

  • The concepts of “empty” and “missing” geometries have been separated. The pygeos.Empty and pygeos.NaG objects has been removed. Empty geometries are handled the same as normal geometries. Missing geometries are denoted by None and are handled by every pygeos function. NaN values cannot be used anymore to denote missing geometries. [PR #36]

  • Added pygeos.__version__ and pygeos.geos_version. [PR #43]